Monday, May 3, 2010

NANO - an answer to cancer.

so here it goes. i need to make another "blog" for our informatics. :)
guys, read this. NANO bubbles!
so, what's NANO bubbles anyway?
NANO bubbles are microscopic particles that have found to be an effective alternative in treating cancer cells. (isn't it amazing?)

a bubble = cure to cancer?
according to research studies, these NANO bubbles attacks cancer cells. It is the cancer killing cells inside the NANO bubbles that really kills the cancerous cells. The drug is encased in materials that searches cancer cells attacing themselves and releasing their payload minimizing collateral damage in what an be compared to as a surgical strike with precision munitions in war time. Just like any other treatment, it has also some side-effects. But, you know what's more amazing with these NANO bubbles is that, its side-effects are only minimal. Nausea is just one of its se. so, I was thinking that people who has cancer, would take the risk of having nausea just to get cured of their cancer. am i right?

Another good thing with this NANO bubbles, is that the unused bubbles are flushed out of our bodies too. It goes out either in a form of the urine or sweat. This is wonderful. Right?

People having cancer will surely benefit from this. I am just hoping that the price for this could be affordable (since, it's not yet really being out or used for treatment). I hope that powerful people (those with autorities) be able to give the service to poor people with cancer. Just like here in our country. It's very alarming that a large number of Filipinos are already having cancer. And unfortunately, more of them are our less fortunate brothers. So, I wish, that this wonderful treatment can be given to those who are really in need. those who cannot afford to avail it. I want them to be cured and I don't want them to suffer more from pain. (not just because of their illness, but also, pain from not having proper treatment because of poverty.)

you can read more on this site guys!